Imperial Seals fractions to decimals

Imperial Oil Seals


imperial oil seals are a little more tricky as the numbers on the oil seal are not in fractions & they always start with the outside diameter first for example 300 212 37 this indicates that the oil seals sizes are 2.1/8" inside, 3" outside & 3/8 wide, below is a table to help you convert these numbers,


1/16           0.06
1/8             0.12
3/16           0.18
1/4             0.25
5/16           0.31
3/8             0.37
7/16           0.43
1/2             0.50
9/16           0.56
5/8             0.62
11/16         0.68
3/4             0.75
13/16         0.81
7/8             0.87
15/16         0.93
1                1.00